Easy Ways to Succeed at Email Marketing

By |September 25th, 2018|Tags: , |

Email marketing is not only extremely cost-effective, but also a great way to reach many people. How you make email marketing work, is up to you and your marketing goals. Everything is digital these days and building your digital presence is imperative for all businesses.What are your marketing goals? When you have a clearly defined

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Inbound Marketing: Top 5 Marketing Don’ts!

By |September 15th, 2018|Tags: , |

You will often long, exhaustive lists of all the things you should be doing for marketing, and that can often overwhelming - especially to figure out what will work for your specific business, and what is better left behind.However, you do not often find articles that will tell you what to avoid, or what not to do

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Think Negatively to Make Your Scores More Powerful

By |August 31st, 2018|Tags: , , |

A lot of lead scoring models focus on the neutral and the positive. The first steps are usually just information gathering: your marketers collect a company's specifics, industry information, contact names, and the rest of what your company needs to fill out a basic profile. Then models focus on the good. Are they subscribers? How many phone

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How to Stop Your Lead Scores From Stagnating

By |August 23rd, 2018|Tags: , , |

Lead scores help your salespeople prioritize their customers. While it would be nice to reach out to every customer and maximize sales, sometimes there just isn't time for it. Near the end of the quarter, everyone needs to focus on the most likely sales and the sales that require the least personal attention. Some leads

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How Do You Know When a Lead Is a Good Lead?

By |August 17th, 2018|Tags: , |

Every lead has a score. You have compiled the data, trained your site to recognize actions that contribute to a lead score, and know what it takes to convert your leads to customers. But a score isn't enough. If you have a lot of people or corporations filtering through your marketing pipeline, you need to

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Work Backward to Create Your Lead Scoring Model

By |August 7th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Every step your business makes should be in the direction of securing or maintaining customers. Even though data science has thrown this into sharp relief, that need has always demanded a standardized process. But customers don't start off as consumers near the end of their buyer's journey. You have to have a lead scoring process

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How Email Marketing Hits the 3 Generations

By |July 27th, 2018|Tags: , , , , |

Email marketing is the most effective online marketing practice to-date. In this blog, we'll explain how it hits all three generations that you might market to. Millennials Email is for old people, right? Wrong. Most Millennials have multiple email accounts for personal use, school, and work. In fact, a recent report asserts that Millennials are most likely to engage in email

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Why Is Email Marketing More Likely to Reach Certain Demographics Than Social Media?

By |July 5th, 2018|Tags: , |

A lot of businessmen believe that there's no point in using email marketing anymore, given that social media seems to be more popular. It's true that you can grow your following exponentially by using social media. You can get more "likes" for your photos or comments. You might even go viral at some point, if

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Are Your Profiles Getting in the Way of Passive Lead Generation?

By |June 8th, 2018|Tags: , , |

More and more statistics point out how keeping your recurring customer base is far less expensive than trying to get new leads. That means a great deal of your time and attention needs to be focused on keeping your current customers satisfied and willing to make additional purchases. At the same time, the only way

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